Thursday, September 15, 2016

DIY: Scrunchie Mesh Deco Wreath

Make a beautiful scrunchie deco mesh wreath to hang on your door or anywhere in your home! Use the colors you'd like and simply follow these easy steps! I forgot to take pictures at each new step but I will write what I did.

The supplies you'll need. I get all my supplies at Hobby Lobby. All these supplies together costed me around $20.00.

  • Two colors of 10" mesh rolls. 
  • One roll of a wide ribbon. Ribbon that has wired edges seems to work better.
  • One 20" wreath wire frame. (this wreath was a bit bigger then I expected, so next time I'll probably use the wreath frame that I believe is 16".
  • One package of pipe cleaners. Pick a color that will sort-of blind in with the colors you picked.
Begin by adding the pipe cleaners to the wreath frame. Starting on the outer edge of the frame, tightly twist the pipe cleaner around the two outside rings of the frame. Attach one pipe cleaner at each of the cross wires on the frame. When you have done this, move to the inside and twist a pipe cleaner around the two inside rings. This time, attach the pipe cleaner between the cross wires of the frame.

When you have added pipe cleaners around the inside and outside rings of the wire frame, you should have a total of 20 (if your using a smaller frame then less)  pipe cleaners attached.

The next step is to gather your mesh. Roll about 10'' of each color out. Secure the gathered ends of mesh to the inside rings of the frame by twisting the pipe cleaners tightly around the end. *Remember to always twist in the same direction to avoid untwisting the pipe cleaner underneath.

Now that you have started, the next steps are easy. Following the circle, attach the mesh to each of the pipe cleaners around the inside rings. Allow approximately 10'' of the mesh between each pipe cleaner. Here is what mine looked liked half way around the inside rings. 

Once you have completed the inside, start on outside. You can choose to cut your mesh and start with new ends or just keep going like I did. Also I go around the inside once but when I go to the outside I go around it twice just to make it more full. You can choose the fullness you like, if you choose even more fuller then what I have you will need another roll of mesh. 

Once you finished the inside and outside and it is the fullness you want, add your ribbon the same way you added the mesh. I added my ribbon on the inside and outside, but I've seen some wreath that just have the ribbon on either one. 

When your done with that, make sure your pipe cleaners are twisted really tight and cut off the remaining part of the pipe cleaner. I usually bend mine so its not pokey. 

You can choose to add accessories. I added two medal letters to make "OU" for football season. Here is what mine looked liked when it was done! 

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